
Farming is the science, art, and business of cultivating soil, producing crops, and raising livestock. Farm Compliance has to be adopted in such a way that it imparts traditional and scientific knowledge in agriculture practices from production to marketing of agriculture products with intervention of innovative technology and legal adaptability wherever applicable. The concept of good agriculture practices is to utilize each and every piece of land efficiently and thereby emphasizing the productivity.

Good Agriculture Practices can be implemented in its own way considering the type of farming and the relevant factors such as soil health, water parameters, sourcing agriculture inputs and sustainability etc. It imparts knowledge on Basics of Farming, Soil Sample Collection and Testing, Water Sample Collection and Testing, Soil Health Management Techniques, Efficient usage of water and appropriate irrigation techniques, Weather data computation, Land Preparation Techniques, Crop Planning and Designing , Importance of Alternate Energy in Agriculture, Farm Security System, Toxic Free Farming techniques, Cattle wealth and management, Preparation of inputs using local raw materials , Farm Management and Maintenance, Pre and Post Harvesting Techniques, Processing and Value Addition, Farm Account Maintenance, Digitalising Agriculture Techniques, Formation of Farmer Producer Company, Marketing of Agriculture Produce.

Farm Production Technology includes all the technologies that mesh in the total inputs and outputs of the farming sector. Agriculture encompasses the whole range of economic activities involved in manufacturing and distributing the industrial inputs used in farming; The farm production of crops, animals, and animal products; the processing of these materials into finished products; and the provision of products at a time and place demanded by consumers.

We at KOVISEAGRO provide advisory and extension service on Farm Compliance Projects. For further details contact us at [email protected]

Close to the genesis stage of Universe, there exists a harmony among plants, animals and human, the three living components of the universe. The human mind was able to enjoy harmony with the external environ nature composed of plants and animals as well as with the inner self-composed of feeling and desire. Human mind enjoyed the pleasure of being with greenery and the same reinforce happiness to human life with positive vibrations.

Once the mankind which lived within the nature environs, due to developments slowly traces a path away from nature. Even though the lifestyle changed his thirst towards nature was not diminished. To satisfy his inner self he tried to mimic the nature nearby, there exists the concept of gardening.

Gardening is in itself is an art which plays a major role to bring natural setup. The designing of gardening ranges from a single plant to a large landscape.

It is a pleasure for KOVISEAGRO to give advisory service, training and promoting this art by using native trees and maintaining sustainable landscapes in both outdoor and indoor gardening concept.

For further details contact us at [email protected]

Man today interacts less with natural vegetation, thereby losing out on the benefits that it can give. Horticulture Therapy is the interaction between the plants and people. Horticulture Therapy is a medicine without prescription and dosage. The green colour has a pleasing effect on the mind and it is a natural tranquilizers. Horticulture Therapy is mind as well as body care and revitalizing system of the new millennium.

Horticulture Therapy is a process utilising plants and horticulture activities to improve the social, educational, psychological and physical adjustment of previous this improving their body, mind and spirits. The present life in the fast lane keeps every person off the track due to the enhanced rate of stress and anxiety in day to day life.
The distorted perception in a smaller degree clouds the psyche of every person and destabilizes the being from the poise and equilibrium. The feeling of clumsiness borne out of such moments pervade the psychic environ and makes a person miserable. Be it school children or the executive of a corporate office, every one is becomes a burden instead of a joy and celebration.

Horticulture Therapy has few tools to gain entry into the psyche, manifest an association with the very being, restore the poise and balance and bring back the rhythm and harmony to the individual. It has the capability to heighten the awareness and widen the consciousness in a meditative way.

KOVISEAGRO is providing consulting and also training on Horticulture Therapy.
For further details contact us at [email protected]

Although the settlement of a dispute is certainly not the first thing that parties have in mind when entering into a contract, they should be aware that differences, grievances and disputes can arise at any time. These may relate to various aspects of a business contract. It is important to anticipate the potential areas of dispute and to identify in advance a method, or a combination of methods, of preventing or settling any dispute.

As far as Agriculture is concerned there may be chance of disputes can arise from the following areas :

  1. Contract farming / Buy back contracts
  2. Distributorship, agency and dealership contracts
  3. Landlease agreements
  4. Contracts on sale of goods
  5. Joint venture agreements
  6. Maritime contracts
  7. Employment contracts
  8. Dealings with preshipment agency
  9. Landscaping contracts
  10. Intelluctual Property contracts

These are the common disputes faced by Agriculture Industry. These can be resolved by court system and other system like Arbitration, and Mediation.

Arbitration is the most reliable method because the award given by the Arbitrator is binding. It is a complementary system to court system. Arbitration rests exclusively on the will of the parties. It is the need of the hour for the Horticulture Industry to adopt this method in the form of Arbitration Clause in their contracts and agreements. This will help an industry to have long-term good relations with their parties. Any business will face any disputes at any time. It is unavoidable. But Arbitration is a method to resolve the disputes smoothly and can continue the business.

KOVISEAGRO is a platform for dispute resolution in Agriculture commodity and trade.
For further details contact us at [email protected]

Valuation of Agriculture Lands is a process of estimating value of a land classified for agriculture purpose, depending on various circumstances such as purpose, need and the then prevailing marketing conditions at the place where the property is situated.

Agriculture Land Valuation is an intricate and high risk bearing valuation for the reasons; it is having living entities as its mechanism and quantifying the same in the value of money is little complicated. A comprehensive valuation of agriculture lands involves not only cost factor but also includes price factor.

As Proprietor being recognised as a Fellow Member in Institution of Valuer, she is able to take up Valuation for Agriculture Lands.

For further details contact us at [email protected]

“Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today.
Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime”

KOVISEAGRO also believes in this proverb. We are providing training in all concepts related to farming techniques and gardening concepts for both urban and rural society following need based learning system.

For further details contact us at [email protected]

Ecommerce penetrating day to day life of common man is an effective marketing tool for agriculture. Sharing of technical knowledge of International Agriculture using online medium under one roof in a virtual role which will be benefited by the international farming community. Kovise Agro would be an effective tool in this venture by creating an online platform for International Agriculture.

KOVISEAGRO will always render its hands for an Online Agriculture Consulting Services.
For further details contact us at [email protected]